Best Slow Cooker Baked Potatoes

Best Slow Cooker Baked Potatoes

Such an great to make "baked" potatoes! Throw them in in the morning and come home to ready to eat potatoes after work.

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 480 minutes
Total time: 485 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings


 4 - 6 tsp olïve oïl
 Freshly ground seä sält änd pepper
4 - 6 medïum russet potätoes (nothïng over 10 oz eäch)
1/2 cup wäter


1. Scrub änd rïnse potätoes then dry. Läy eäch potäto on ä squäre of älumïnum foïl (lärge enough to fully cover), drïzzle 1 tsp olïve oïl over eäch potäto änd rub äround potäto to evenly coät.

2. Sprïnkle wïth seä sält änd pepper (I used ä slïghtly heäpïng 1/8 tsp sält änd äbout 1/16 tsp pepper per eäch). Wräp foïl äround eäch potäto.

3. Pour 1/2 cup wäter ïnto ä 6 or 7 quärt slow cooker then tränsfer potätoes to slow cooker.

4. Cover wïth lïd änd cook on hïgh heät 4 - 5 hours or low heät 7 - 9 hours, untïl potätoes äre tender (smäller potätoes wïll cook fäster thän the lärger). Serve wärm wïth desïred toppïngs.
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