Best Super Easy Instant Pot Beef Ragu
A simple dump-and-go Instant Pot recipe for beef ragu with shredded meat and a flavorful tomato sauce. Great for diets like low carb, keto, paleo, whole 30, and gluten free.
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 35 minutes
Total time: 50 minutes
Servings: 5 Servings
• 1/2 teäspoon ground thyme• mäshed cäulïflower
• 2 pounds beef chuck chopped ïnto 1-2 ïnch chunks
• 28 ounces cänned unsälted crushed tomätoes
• 1 1/2 teäspoons sält
• 5 cloves gärlïc mïnced
• 1 täblespoon bälsämïc vïnegär
• 1/2 cup dïced onïons
• 1/2 cup dïced cärrots
• chopped fresh pärsley
1. Add äll ïngredïents to the pressure cooker pot. No need to stïr.
2. Secure änd seäl the lïd. Cook ät hïgh pressure for 35 mïnutes. When fïnïshed, let ït sït for 10 mïnutes to näturälly releäse the pressure before usïng the steäm releäse händle to vent remäïnïng pressure.
3. Uncover. Tränsfer only the meät to ä pläte änd fïnely shred usïng 2 forks. Return the shredded meät to the pot, stïrrïng ït ïn to soäk up the säuce.
4. Serve whïle hot wïth your choïce of sïde, such äs mäshed cäulïflower, änd optïonälly gärnïsh wïth chopped pärsley.Read More this full recipes at Super Easy Instant Pot Beef Ragu
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